Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
RED Episode #61: Talking Training After Illness and a Preview of Danger Danger
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
We were fighting a pretty bad upper respiratory infection last week. That got us thinking about how that impacts training for a race and what you should do once you resume training. Of course, you should always consult your doctor. We did that as well as reaching out to some great Facebook groups we are a part of to see how some veterans handle illness during a training cycle. They had some great advice. If you ever need advice or encouragement, the Be Our Guest Podcast Lizards and the Extra Mile Podcast groups are great!
There is a brand new restaurant in our hometown called Danger Danger. This week we preview some of their menu, including a delicious pizza and a taco special. We will feature them on an upcoming episode, but they are hitting it out of the park after less than a month of being open, and we couldn’t help but celebrate and share their delicious food.
At Danger Danger, there are some tasty beers in the cooler to go with your takeout or counter service meal. We had cans of Cigar City Maduro Brown and Original Sin McIntosh Cider to quench our thirst this week while trying terrific food.
Thank you for listening! We are having a great second year of the podcast because of all your support! Don’t forget to follow us and let us know where to find you next on our website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Also checkout our new store on the website and get some swag, compliments of Pure Creative Apparel. Thank you, Pure Creative Apparel, for sponsoring this week’s show! Thanks to PodcastMusic.com for providing the music for this episode, too!