Saturday Jun 10, 2017
Run Eat Drink Podcast (RED) Episode 1: The Tampa Beer Run
Saturday Jun 10, 2017
Saturday Jun 10, 2017
Hey, Everyone! Welcome to our first episode, where we head to Tampa, Florida for the Tampa Beer Run. Yes, we get to sample beer on the course, but more importantly, this run raises funds for My Hope Chest, which helps women pay for reconstructive surgery after their courageous battles with breast cancer. After the run, we need to refuel, and what better way than to sample Tampa on a plate at the Columbia Restaurant. Our final stop on this trip is Cigar City Brewing, where you can spot the rolling of cigars and a long line of tasty beer on tap, and ours is just a sampling of their libations. For more information, check out the show notes below.
Connect with My Hope Chest at their website and learn about their upcoming 5K Glow Run coming up in April 2018, also in the Tampa area.
This is a beautiful park that is flat and an easy run. There was no time limit or specific pace per mile you needed to adhere to, so this race is great for beginners or run/walkers.
We paid a reasonable entry fee of $45 dollars and added a VIP ticket for $12 more to get a couple of extra beers at the after party as well as souvenir Tampa Beer Run glasses and a white cotton t-shirt.
This Tampa staple has been around since 1905, and we happened to sample these:
Crab Croquette
Spanish Bean Soup
1905 Salad
Cuban Sandwich
At this brewery, there are some amazing beers and here is a list of a few we recommend:
Pollona! With Chocolate! Milk Stout with Chocolate
110K+OT Batch #9 Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Imperial Brown Ale
We've crossed the finish line!
Thank you for watching!! Join us next time as we run another destination race, sample tasty beverages, and refuel with delicious food. We hope this helps you preview some awesome vacation or "runcation" destinations. If you have any that we should feature, please let us know on Instagram, Twitter, or our website, www.runeatdrink.net.