Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
The 2020 Donna Marathon Weekend big race day is here! It is time for us to feature the half marathon and the completion of our Booby Trap Challenge! It was an incredible run and the community came out again in force to support us as runners and adopt us into the community. The bling was awesome once again, too! Plus, we sit down with survivor, Angela Sposito. She was so real and wonderful to give her time and tell her story of early detection and fighting this disease with the help of her family, friends, and loved ones. Her journey even started while Hurricane Matthew was about to hit Jacksonville.
We are splitting our coverage of the 2020 Donna Marathon Weekend and our visit to Jacksonville into three separate episodes this week. This was the “Run” portion of our show. The next episode is a video and our 100th episode that will cover the “Eat” segment this week, and finally, we will release the outstanding drinks we had in our final “drink” show this week, so stay tuned!
Special thanks to Sport Kilt for shipping Dana’s kilt for this weekend’s races so quickly! Check them out! They are great!
Got a race to share? A great place to eat in your hometown? Know of a great bar or brewery we should feature on the show? Want to tell part of your running story? Share it with us and the runcation nation! Our email is info@runeatdrink.net. Or you can call 941- 677-2733. Leave us a 1-minute message letting us know who you are, where you are from, and the places we should accomplish, explore, and indulge!
Thank you for listening! We are looking forward to another great year of the podcast because of all your support! Don’t forget to follow us and let us know where to find you next on our website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Also checkout our store on the website and get some swag, thanks to Pure Creative Apparel. Thanks to PodcastMusic.com for providing the music for this episode, too! Thanks to Warby Parker for sponsoring this week’s episode. To get your 5-day, 5-pair free in-home trial and support the show, go to www.warbyparkertrial.com/red.