Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
This week was not a travel week for us, so on to training updates! Aimee has learned a couple of really great lessons. Like is starting late in the day to complete a long run in Florida really smart? Also, isn’t it just a great feeling to get it done? Dana is also really close to being cleared to start intervals again! It’s International Podcast Day! What podcasts do you listen to when you are out there pounding the pavement? We share some. Let us know yours!
We asked and you responded with your favorite comfort foods and where to get them!
Some places you mentioned were:
Bullig Coffee and Bites in Fort Myers, FL - Morgan “The Moose” Wright on Facebook
Thinh Asian Kitchen and Saigon Deli - Trang Bryan on Facebook and Instagram
Burro Cheese Kitchen and Wholly Cow in Austin, TX- Transforming Tobi on Instagram
Ledger in Salem, MA - Michael Leslie on Instagram
Ramsey’s Diner in Lexington, KY - Suzanne on Instagram
Charley’s Steakhouse in Tampa, FL -Steph from the vacation planning website www.justadayinparadise.com
Rib City in various locations - Stephanie Swan on Instagram (Thanks for your email!)
It’s National Coffee Day! You know how we feel about coffee! How do we celebrate? With a very special guest. Did you know that Big Storm is also a coffee company? Big Storm Coffee Company’s head roaster, Chris Ramsey, joins us for a very special interview to celebrate the day! He talks Big Storm Coffee, how he got started, and what’s important in a good cup of coffee.
We will share more from our chat with Chris throughout the week, so stay tuned to our social media and be sure to subscribe to the podcast so you don’t miss those Quick Bites we will share from our interview with Chris!
Follow Big Storm Coffee Company’s social media here:
Also, a special thank you to John Schroeder at Big Storm Brewing in Cape Coral for arranging this interview with Chris and for filming our Instagram and Facebook live videos to celebrate National Coffee Day! Go check them out if you haven’t yet on our social media.
Are there races we should try? How do you mix up your training to stay motivated for the longer runs? Want to reach us with a tip, trick, or recommendations? Our email is info@runeatdrink.net. Or you can call with your “runcation” tips at 941- 677-2733.
Thank you for listening! We are looking forward to another great year of the podcast because of all your support! Don’t forget to follow us and let us know where to find you next on our website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Also checkout our new store on the website and get some swag, compliments of Pure Creative Apparel. Thanks to PodcastMusic.com for providing the music for this episode, too!
Special thanks to Warby Parker for sponsoring this week’s show! Don’t forget to check out www.warbyparkertrial.com/red! Get a free 5-day in-home trial of 5 frames shipped to you at no charge. We thank Warby Parker again for sponsoring this week’s show!