Thursday Jun 01, 2023
RED Episode 250 Runcation Recap of the 2023 Keys 100
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
RED Episode 250 Runcation Recap of the 2023 Keys 100
Thanks to all our patrons and everyone in the Runcation Nation for your support and encouragement. Because of you, we have been able to keep the show going over the last two years, and now that the races are returning, we look forward to meeting up with you, too!
If you want a shoutout for you or someone you love on the show, email us at info@runeatdrink.net or call us and leave a message at 941-677-2733.
Dean Gerber wanted to thank his wife and sister, Judy Gerber and Linda Meyers, for supporting him during the Keys 100.
Judy sent in an email shoutout for Dean as well. Her email read, “I want to shout out my husband, Dean, who ran the Keys 100 ultramarathon this past weekend. Not only doing it for himself but is partnering with a friend who is injured to help him finish as well.” Way to go, Dean!
For anyone who would like a shoutout on the show, please don’t forget to send them to us. We do our best to collect weekly shoutouts, but please send them our way! Please send them to info@runeatdrink.net or call 941-677-2733!
Thank you to Joanne Blatchley and Dean Gerber, Associate Producers of our show. Thank you to Josh Ozbirn, Executive Producer of the podcast, too! We couldn’t do it without you.
Become a patron if you’d like more of the Run Eat Drink Podcast, including bonus content and early access to episodes! Go to www.patreon.com/runeatdrinkpodcast. We want to thank everyone who has supported the show and the ways we’ve had to adapt this past year. We can’t tell you how much it means to us to have this community. We love you, Runcation Nation. We can’t wait to runcation with you soon!
This is a landmark episode number, and we are nearing our sixth anniversary of the show. So, we wanted to introduce a new kind of episode in our feed, starting with episode 250 this week. We are introducing Runcation Recaps. These are episodes featuring members of the Runcation Nation telling us about a fantastic race weekend. This allows everyone in our community to learn about amazing race weekends nationwide.
This week we welcome long-time patrons of our show, Dean and Judy Gerber. They are joined by another patron of ours over on Buy Me A Coffee, who happens to be Dean’s sister, Linda Meyers. Together they recap the 2023 Keys 100. All of them were so gracious with their time. It was so important to have them all here because, unlike a race with water stops, you have to provide your crew at this one. There are laughs, inspirational moments, and all kinds of tips for this epic race weekend.
You can find Dean, Judy, and Linda here:
Dean: @dwgerb
Linda: @lindygmyers
Judy: @sleepgal67
More information about Dean’s new running project that he talked about in this episode is available at @florida_scrub_runner
The nutrition and hydration options Dean used can be found here: hammernutrition.com
No recap would be complete for the Runcation Nation without discussing exploring and indulging in local food and beverage. Dean, Judy, and Linda talk about the fuel, food, and drinks Dean used along the course and the options he brought from hammernutrition.com.
Before the race is the time to carb-load, right? Dean, Judy, and Linda talk about their pre-race meal at Cafe DiGiorgio’s in Key Largo near the start of the race. For the garlic knots alone, I want to go. Dean and the crew highly recommend the staff and meals here if you consider this race weekend or a vacation to the Florida Keys. Find out more about this cafe at https://www.keylargo-cafelargo.com/.
After the running and crewing the Keys 100, it was time to explore and indulge at Blue Heaven in Key West. Based on their review, I can’t wait to get there and try the dishes they describe in this episode. Check out the menu here: https://blueheavenkw.com/
The 2023 Keys 100 has to be celebrated… all that running must make you thirsty, right? Dean said burgers and beer were at the post-race site, where they cheered other runners in after finishing. Dean, Judy, and Linda talk about both alcoholic and non-alcoholic options that are refreshing ways to celebrate at Blue Heaven.
Thanks to Dean, Judy, and Linda for sharing our FIRST-EVER Runcation Recap. Congratulations on your accomplishment, too!!
If you have a race weekend the Runcation Nation needs to know about, email us at info@runeatdrink.net and you could be featured on your own Runcation Recap!
Thank you for listening! We are in our 6th year of the podcast because of all your support! Don’t forget to follow us and tell us where to find you next on our website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Also, check out our store on the website and get some swag, thanks to Pure Creative Apparel. Thanks to www.PodcastMusic.com for providing the music for this episode, too!